As part of the 4Thoughts meme, we have updated our About Us Page. I have linked the old one here.
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Z is for Zipper
During our last “photo shoot” we played with candlelight and shadows and a wee bit of lingerie.
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So the prompt for the month is fall, tricks and treats so I started thinking about my favorite treats.
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This is an edit of a picture that I took for Snake–I like the B/W version.
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Since we love to travel, there are so many wonderful memories to choose from. In fact, I have written about a lot of trips in the blog, along with our sexy times on them.
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Maybe because I was a fall baby, it always seems like the time of the year that is time for a fresh start.
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Snake and I have been making lists of short day trips that we can do to get out of the house a bit on weekends. Cabin fever is hitting without our usual travel so we thought maybe a little local sightseeing might help.
Continue reading W is for WillcoxS is for Snakeskin
Or at least that’s what I’m calling the print. Of course, I’ve never seen a purple or blue snake….
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This is a really light blue pair with dark blue highlights. But I really like how the purple tint makes it pop.
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In case you haven’t figured this out from Twitter and blog posts, Snake and I love wine. And one of our favorites things to do when we travel is do wine tastings. This isn’t really possible right so we decided to try a virtual one through a liquor store chain.
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Everyone has played the quiet game. It’s a staple of classrooms. But it is a bit more fun to play as an adult.
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October starts on Thursday so it is time for the next prompt for our alphabet prompt.
Continue reading O is for October PromptG is for Glow
Sometimes it is nice to turn out the lights and play by candlelight.
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Two years ago today, Snake and I were staying in a fabulous hotel in Astoria, Oregon. It is built on a pier, directly on the Columbia River and is gorgeous.
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Can someone hand me a towel?
Continue reading W is for WaterE is for Emerald
I am missing traveling a lot these days. I know it isn’t the biggest issue in the world, but it is one of my favorite things to do with Snake.
Continue reading E is for EmeraldM is for Memories
I do have a few items from my parents as does Snake. Most of them are pieces of furniture that have been passed down from our grandparents through our own parents. They are important because they were important to family members.
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I struggle with the distinct line between a fetish and a kink. I rationally know the difference, but they seem to have overlap in a strange way.
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Red? Or black?
Continue reading D is for DuoI is for Intimacy
It seems that intimacy is always touted as a couple thing–like you can’t be intimate with different people in your life.
Continue reading I is for IntimacyO is for…Orange
I know exactly what you thought I was going to write….and maybe I’ll use the O again for that later this month.
Continue reading O is for…OrangeC is for Control
The TV is on in the background, but you don’t hear a thing.
Continue reading C is for ControlP is for Paddle
Well, let’s see how the haiku goes…..
Continue reading P is for PaddleD is for Dragon
We were on a cruise a few years ago and found a wine bar on the ship that we loved. It was right in the middle of the main part of the ship, but tucked in a corner where we could see the ocean, the activity and still enjoy some alone time.
Continue reading D is for DragonA is for Astride
Snake seemed to like this view….
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