We were playing around with different backgrounds and textures a few weeks ago. I really like how the fence is the star of the photo with all of the grain.
Continue reading “F is for Fence”D is for Drip
Rain has been falling steadily all night and the window is dripping when we get up.
Continue reading “D is for Drip”R is for Remote
“Get undressed and unlock.” She had “that look.”
Continue reading “R is for Remote”Z is for Zipper
Just as I send pictures to Snake each morning, he sends at least one a day to me as well. I say at least because there are days when he is is tasked with sending a lot more than one. Sometimes just because and sometimes they are proof if he has a specific task to do.
Continue reading “Z is for Zipper”S is for September Prompt
September is the official start of fall and leaves start to change colors in a lot of places. Not in Tucson, for the record. It will be late October or November before we have the week of leaves changing color, dropping and being gone.
Continue reading “S is for September Prompt”T is for Towel
Seems like my towel slipped down just a wee bit…
Continue reading “T is for Towel”D is for Diary
June 16
Why do I even keep writing in this thing? Nothing really different happens to me each day. Work, home, maybe a little socializing with friends and some family stuff.
I’ll give it one more month. Then I’m going to spend the time watching re-runs. It wouldn’t be any different.
Continue reading “D is for Diary”A is for Advice
I’ve never really given or asked for a lot of advice. Cynically maybe, it feels like when I’ve been asked for advice, it isn’t really that they want advice. They want me to tell them that what they want to do is right rather than really wanting advice.
Continue reading “A is for Advice”S is for Steamy
“Let’s grab coffee and some bagels and have breakfast in the park before it gets too hot,” you say before I’ve even opened my eyes.
Continue reading “S is for Steamy”C is for Close Up
This has always been one of my favorite bras and I’m sure plenty of people will recognize it even without the color. But it is even more fun with a little bit of cropping.
Continue reading “C is for Close Up”B is for Belongings
We have a lot of stuff. Slowly the last few years we’ve been cleaning out, but there is still too much.
Continue reading “B is for Belongings”S is for Spiral
We were wandering in a nearby town. It was a perfect day to window shop and grab lunch at an outdoor café.
Continue reading “S is for Spiral”B is for Bootcamp
This weekend is bootcamp. Not the exercise type, but the D/s type.
Continue reading “B is for Bootcamp”C is for Cuff
Play is just always a little bit more fun when the restraints come out….
Continue reading “C is for Cuff”C is for Cats
We are primarily a family of cats. We’ve had two dogs and do love dogs, but cats fit our lifestyle.
Continue reading “C is for Cats”S is for Silence
I crave silence in life. I was always the kid who had to have quiet to study. If I’m reading, I don’t want music in the background. When I work or write, I rarely am listening to anything.
Continue reading “S is for Silence”R is for Reading
The wedding had been fun, but the drive back was boring. It was mostly remote and you could only look at so many trees and hills before your mind started going numb.
Continue reading “R is for Reading”P is for Popcorn
We love popcorn. I can actually name numerous memories associated with eating popcorn with Snake.
Continue reading “P is for Popcorn”G is for Gaming
In the beforetimes (yes, it is a word), we spent a lot of weekend time at restaurants and movies and other activities out of the house.
Continue reading “G is for Gaming”M is for Morning
Before the shower and the rush to start the day, I always take time to take a picture and send it to Snake. It’s a good way to remember what’s important amidst the craziness of life.
Continue reading “M is for Morning”M is for Magic
Fresh starts always sound so clean and fresh. A new school year or an unopened notebook or a move. Starting over with no real history and remaking yourself.
Continue reading “M is for Magic”W is for Wilderness
Growing up in Colorado, wilderness was never that far away. We could go to the mountains and be away from people and civilization pretty easily. After we moved to Tucson, there still is a certain amount of that with the surrounding mountain ranges.
Continue reading “W is for Wilderness”T is for Tango
This week we start lessons with an additional dance instructor. Her specialty is Argentine Tango and we are going to start putting together a new solo routine with her.
Continue reading “T is for Tango”F is for Fireworks
On the last day of Fireworks month, I thought I’d share a picture of the last time I saw them live. Not including the neighborhood ones that I think are simply to scare my cats to death.
Continue reading “F is for Fireworks”W is for Wet
Could someone hand me a towel?
Continue reading “W is for Wet”