He had come home from the farmer’s market with a bounty. All kinds of fruits and vegetables that looked amazing.
Continue reading “R is for Red”T is for Tint
Just a little editing turned this turquoise bra picture into something that looks like it was taken under a black light.
Continue reading “T is for Tint”F is for Flashlight
I saw this quote and it just made me laugh because I have THAT memory too.
Continue reading “F is for Flashlight”You think you can
hurt my feelings?
I used to hold the
flashlight for my dad.
F is for Favorite City
What is my favorite city? There are so many places that I love. I started thinking about NYC and London where we’ve seen such amazing theatre.
Continue reading “F is for Favorite City”D is for Dark
He was standing in the dark alley, lit from above by the street lights, but his face was shadowed by his hat.
Continue reading “D is for Dark”M is for Massachusetts
We made it to Boston! And as of this writing, we visited Salem too. We definitely didn’t “do” either one, but did enough that we know that we want to return when we can.
Continue reading “M is for Massachusetts”M is for Match
The lights didn’t even flicker. They were watching an intense scene in the action movie one second and were in total silence and darkness the next.
Continue reading “M is for Match”L is for (Oh, There’s) Lace
We have a lot of fun taking pictures here in the Snake Den. Sometimes they are frustrating when we can’t get the image that we are, well, imagining, but we still love the time together.
Continue reading “L is for (Oh, There’s) Lace”E is for Epiphany
I had absolutely no idea what to write about epiphany, so, being Charmer, I went looking for a quote and found this:
Continue reading “E is for Epiphany”“I had the epiphany that laughter was light, and light was laughter, and that this was the secret of the universe.”
Donna Tartt
M is for Moon
They had been walking along the water for hours and the sun was setting. She stopped to look at the sunset and he wandered ahead.
Continue reading “M is for Moon”B is for Boston
This week is my birthday. Typically it’s a girl’s week at Disneyland, but that’s not happening this year. Instead my wonderful Snake and I are going to be flying into Boston and doing a road trip up the coast to Maine.
Continue reading “B is for Boston”G is for Ghost
The back portion of the plant nursery looked abandoned. Not many people were looking for plants this time of year so all of the bright plants were at the front to encourage the few customers that they had.
Continue reading “G is for Ghost”C is for Candy
Trick or treat…
Continue reading “C is for Candy”N is for November Prompt
Another month of writing ahead. November is the month of Scorpios–yes, I know some Sagittarians will disagree. I happen to be a Scorpio so it’s Scorpio season.
Continue reading “N is for November Prompt”C is for Change
There is nothing so stable as change.
Bob Dylan
Isn’t that the truth?
Continue reading “C is for Change”M is for Marlborough
If you’ve followed us at all, you know that we love a good glass of wine. A wine tasting is even better and Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough, NZ, is our absolute favorite.
Continue reading “M is for Marlborough”M is for Museum
She loved wandering museums as much as the next person, but she was getting bored. How many more rooms of paintings of well-coifed and dressed up people could there possibly be?
Continue reading “M is for Museum”C is for Chef
“I could do better than that,” he said as a contestant was being ridiculed by a chef for their raw chicken on the show they were watching.
Continue reading “C is for Chef”L is for (That) Look
Exhausted from the long day, he pulled out of the parking garage and started home.
Continue reading “L is for (That) Look”C is for Chastity
A chastity device and sexy underwear…
Continue reading “C is for Chastity”M is for Misty
It’s amazing how zooming in on a shot completely changes the mood. I love how old fashioned and ghostly this looks with the edit.
Continue reading “M is for Misty”K is for Key
It sat on the counter. Just a key on a keychain with no indication of what it opened. He picked it up and looked closely at it.
Continue reading “K is for Key”R is for Regret
I have a lot of regrets. Didn’t expect that from Charmer, did you?
Continue reading “R is for Regret”S is for Sow
You reap what you sow.
We start hearing that as children–trying to make us work hard and do things the “right” way.
Continue reading “S is for Sow”L is for Lock(tober)
Locktober is a way for us to have a little fun with something that isn’t just a once a year thing.
Continue reading “L is for Lock(tober)”