“The party is at the old Hawkins place. It’s a costume party,” Brenna almost bounced into the room.
Continue reading “H is for Haunted?”D is for (It’s the Little) Details
Part of the fun of traveling is relaxing in a new room. And taking pictures, right? Everyone does that?
Continue reading “D is for (It’s the Little) Details”F is for February Prompt
Yes, I know my prompt should be something about love and hearts and such. But, you know me and my prompts rarely fit what I “should” be doing.
Continue reading “F is for February Prompt”S is for Saturation
One more picture from the set that we’ve posted the last few weeks… I decided to take the monochrome into a tint and really love the pops of color.
Continue reading “S is for Saturation”K is for Kale
“We having people over?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen.
Continue reading “K is for Kale”M is for Map Reading
Yes, I am old enough to remember having to navigate by either atlas or state map when we were doing road trips. In fact, I still prefer “seeing” where I need to go rather than being directed that way by GPS.
Continue reading “M is for Map Reading”M is for Muse
She heard him walking in the hayloft of the barn. He was looking for the perfect photograph angle for his new campaign and they had been scouting out locations for three hours.
Continue reading “M is for Muse”S is for Scallops
You’d think that having grown up in land-locked states my entire life that I wouldn’t really love seafood.
Continue reading “S is for Scallops”T is for Treasure Map
X marks the spot, right?
Continue reading “T is for Treasure Map”S is for Snowy
We are in Portland right now. It’s almost always rainy, but this time it’s been drier than usual. Still definitely chillier than Tucson, but the weather has been gorgeous.
Continue reading “S is for Snowy”F is for Focus
One of Snake’s tricks is to change up the focal length on most shots so we have choices. I loved the way the focus is really quite out of focus in this particular one.
Continue reading “F is for Focus”S is for Sweet, or is it Sour?
She was still sleeping while he snuck out to the store to get some fruit, some orange juice and a cheap bottle of champagne. They’d been up late and he figured that he had time to make pancakes and mimosas before she woke up.
Continue reading “S is for Sweet, or is it Sour?”S is for Snowball Fight
She was standing in the snow and listening to the silence. Mitch had gone back to the car for his hat and gloves before they went for a walk.
Continue reading “S is for Snowball Fight”G is for Going Forward
The past two years have been a rude awakening for everyone that I know. We all talk about getting back to normal, but I don’t know what that would even look like at this point.
Continue reading “G is for Going Forward”My Mug That is a Pot
Trying to come up with my favorite mug is like choosing a favorite child. I don’t buy sets of mugs. Each one is unique and has been chosen or given to me because of the meaning.
Continue reading “My Mug That is a Pot”W is for Watch
Well, I didn’t really have any photos about time to share, but this one does have a watch…does that count?
Continue reading “W is for Watch”M is for Meditation
It was the third day she had been doing yoga. She wasn’t really into the spiritual side, but she thought it was a good way to start the new year. Who couldn’t use a little peace?
Continue reading “M is for Meditation”L is for Looking Back
In a lot of ways, 2021 was pretty awful. Everyone that I know lost someone to Covid. Life as we’ve always known it seems to have been permanently changed.
Continue reading “L is for Looking Back”B is for Bullet Journal
She was sitting at the bar by the window in the coffee shop. She was writing in a notebook and seemed oblivious to the morning rush hour around her.
Continue reading “B is for Bullet Journal”F is for Flame
The holiday celebrations are over and the decorations are put away for another year. We didn’t decorate much because we traveled, but it’s still nice to know it’s put away.
Continue reading “F is for Flame”J is for January Prompt
And onward to 2022. I’m not going to wish that it’s better than the last. I’m afraid of tempting the Fates. Lol.
Continue reading “J is for January Prompt”N is for New Year’s Eve
Time to end this year and getting ready for the next. What’s better than a disco ball to light things up?
Continue reading “N is for New Year’s Eve”T is for Top 10
Looking back over the past 6+ years, you’d think that most popular posts would be somewhat evenly spread over the time. Nope.
Continue reading “T is for Top 10”C is for Christmas Eve
All of the presents are wrapped, decorating is done and now it’s time to just enjoy some quiet time.
Continue reading “C is for Christmas Eve”F is for Festive Days
It’s the end of the year and most of us are crazy busy–and sometimes just feeling a little crazy.
Continue reading “F is for Festive Days”