This is part 2 of A is for Appointment. You can read it here.
The commute to work had been a blur. He’d almost missed the first train because he was running late. His mind had been racing with thoughts of tonight and he ended up missing his stop and having to walk back to the office from the next one.
M is for Mexican Food
A good friend of mine keeps telling me that no one is ever sad eating Mexican food. I sure can’t prove her wrong because it’s one of our favorite things to eat.
Continue reading “M is for Mexican Food”P is for Playing with Fire
Fire can be dangerous, but sometimes it is fun to play with it just a little bit. You never know what the reaction might be…
Continue reading “P is for Playing with Fire”S is for Spring
She had taken her easel and paints to the backyard. The sun hadn’t quite come up over the horizon, but it would soon. It was supposed to be a scorcher with a chance for thunderstorms.
Continue reading “S is for Spring”S is for Steps
One more set of stairs and she’d be done. Sweat was dripping in her eyes, but she was determined to make it to the top of the stadium.
Continue reading “S is for Steps”M is for Movie Time
Movie theatre with popcorn, glass of wine and Snake by my side. Mmm….
Continue reading “M is for Movie Time”C is for Crossed
Nothing like some crossed straps to keep the eyes moving down…
Continue reading “C is for Crossed”L is for Letting Go
For me, the hardest thing about going forward is knowing that certain things need to be left in the past. Sometimes they are easy because we just know they aren’t right for us anymore, but other times they evoke memories and feelings that we just don’t want to toss away.
Continue reading “L is for Letting Go”A is for Appointment
He woke up with a start. His heart was pounding and he was sweating. What had he been dreaming about?
Continue reading “A is for Appointment”P is for Photo
“That’s the one,” she said pointing to the photograph on the far wall of the store. It was wedged between different landscape images and had a really ugly frame around it.
Continue reading “P is for Photo”M is for Minimum
Sometimes it’s fun just to tease with a wee bit of lace and a hint of ass and leave the rest to the imagination. Mmm… I love to leave him wanting more.
Continue reading “M is for Minimum”B is for Burning Bright
There’s something about candlelight that makes us want to draw in closer…
Continue reading “B is for Burning Bright”A is for April Prompt
Spring has arrived even if it doesn’t feel like it in a lot of places in the world. We’ve already reached 90 here and it will be reaching the triple digits before we know.
Continue reading “A is for April Prompt”S is for Snake
So, yes, we dance and perform. That’s nothing that anyone who has read the blog for a while will not know.
Continue reading “S is for Snake”O is for Ocean
Water rushed by as the boat roared towards the island. Each bump as they hit a wave made her feel giddy.
Continue reading “O is for Ocean”T is for Tease
She does like to tease. I love to point it out. Which, of course, makes the whole cycle start all over again…
Continue reading “T is for Tease”G is for Glamping
She thought about the picture that she had sent him as camping inspiration. She looked around and sighed. Not even remotely similar.
Continue reading “G is for Glamping”X is for Xmas
I thought even it is almost April that I would edit a photo from Christmas 2022 for the prompt. We’ve used several from this set for other posts, but I think this is the first edit for this particular one.
Continue reading “X is for Xmas”H is for Home
“I think Pepper is happy to see us,” said Leah. “She hasn’t moved since we got home.”
Continue reading “H is for Home”I is for Italian Round Steak
If you ask Snake what his favorite recipe is, what he asks for on birthdays and such, the first thing he’ll come up with is Italian Round Steak. In fact, it’s been his favorite since we got married even with all of his other faves.
Continue reading “I is for Italian Round Steak”H is for Hurricane
I was searching for a “savage” quote for our prompt this month and I came across lyrics from a song that was popular a few years ago in the dance studio.
Continue reading “H is for Hurricane”R is for Relaxing
As I mentioned last week, our anniversary just happened. We treated ourselves to a getaway to celebrate.
Continue reading “R is for Relaxing”S is for Sunset
In spite of the fact that most of our backyard is one giant tree, it’s challenging to find some pictures that include trees. This one was taken at sunset so the colors in the background were vibrant.
Continue reading “S is for Sunset”P is for Puzzle
“Want to help me with the puzzle?” she asked as he walked past the dining room.
Continue reading “P is for Puzzle”P is for Pool
The back part of the bar was empty on this Wednesday night. There was a big game on the TV and everyone was gathered around the bar to watch the local favorite.
Continue reading “P is for Pool”