As the days get longer and the sun gets warmer, summer is definitely almost here in the Northern Hemisphere. School is ending and there seems to be more time to relax.
Continue reading “J is for June Prompt”I is for Irish Nachos
Mexican food is definitely the thing we eat the most here in the Southwest. But, there’s just something about potatoes…especially those covered in cheese and bacon. Mmm…
Continue reading “I is for Irish Nachos”S is for Sunbathing
There’s nothing quite as nice as kicking back and having a drink with the sun warming your skin.
Continue reading “S is for Sunbathing”M is for Mischief
As we were walking along the trail, a stone came down on my head. “Ow!”
Continue reading “M is for Mischief”R is for Running Late
The traffic was bumper-to-bumper and the extra half hour they had given themselves was quickly going away. They were going to be late for the show at this rate.
Continue reading “R is for Running Late”H is for Home
Home is where I feel at peace and happy. Snuggled here on the couch with Snake is just a wonderful place and one of my favorite ways to wind down before bed. Mmm…
Continue reading “H is for Home”S is for Searching
I saw a quote online today that basically said that as a parent you are expected to guide someone else while still trying to figure out what you want to do when you grow up.
Continue reading “S is for Searching”D is for Double
When we go to a hotel, it’s always fun to play with the mirrors. This photo was a reflective one that I sent to Snake as a good morning.
Continue reading “D is for Double”B is for Books
Books have been my best friend for as long as I can remember. My mom, who did love to read, could never understand why I’d spend summers reading rather than being outside with the other kids.
Continue reading “B is for Books”W is for Wish
“What should I wish for?” He turned to see her holding a dandelion between her fingers.
Continue reading “W is for Wish”D is for Distraction
I try hard to not interrupt Snake while he’s working–until I feel like it’s time for him to take a break. And then I can be so distracting….
Continue reading “D is for Distraction”R is for Reflect
Mirrors and candles are some of our favorite props. This one added a vase for a little extra reflection.
Continue reading “R is for Reflect”S is for Sewing
“Jess!” I heard my name called down the hall. He sounded frantic and I ran into the bedroom.
Continue reading “S is for Sewing”O is for Onward
“Would you like the check?” he asked as he picked up the empty glass left by her companion. She could tell he was thinking she had been dumped and left with the bill.
Continue reading “O is for Onward”W is for Wish
It’s Saturday and my wish for you?
Continue reading “W is for Wish”F is for Feet on the Dash
There’s just something about going on a road trip. The music is playing, there are snacks and drinks in the car and you have nothing but time.
Continue reading “F is for Feet on the Dash”B is for Bridge
“Do you trust me?” I looked at him as I asked the question, waiting for the response.
“Of course,” he replied. “Wait, what are we talking about? I’m not going on that roller coaster again. Ever.”
Continue reading “B is for Bridge”C is for Chance
The woman had been sitting on a bench in front of the painting for over half an hour. She would cock her head one way and the other from time to time, but mainly just sat perfectly still.
Continue reading “C is for Chance”W is for Warmth
There’s nothing quite as wonderful as the feeling of sun on your bare skin. Mmm…
Continue reading “W is for Warmth”M is for May Prompt
Technically, I should make the May prompt about celebrations. Snake’s birthday is the 2nd and Mother’s Day is in the middle of the month, here at least. And while we will be celebrating his birthday in typical Charmer and Snake fashion, I think that I did celebrations not too long ago.
Continue reading “M is for May Prompt”D is for Duck Pond
Come here.
He stopped and turned around. She had been right behind him just a minute ago. All he’d done is turn to watch a group of kids playing soccer in the distance. Where had she gone?
Continue reading “D is for Duck Pond”A is for Adventure
Continue reading “A is for Adventure”“You must go on adventures to find out where you belong.”
Sue Fitzmaurice
L is for Lingerie
Sometimes it’s fun to hide a little surprise under your clothes–makes for a much more fun date night.
Continue reading “L is for Lingerie”F is for Fiery Sun
Just pumping up the colors in this picture made the sun and my hair fiery… This was a wonderful trip!
Continue reading “F is for Fiery Sun”J is for Jelly
Her feet hurt and the noise in the enclosed aquarium was getting on her last nerve. They had been planning this date for a month so, of course, it would be the day when the entire place was filled with school field trips.
Continue reading “J is for Jelly”