This week I’ll be getting a PA done (Prince Albert piercing) and am really looking forward to it. OK, so I’m not looking forward to the act of getting it done, but I’m looking forward to having it… But I had to laugh at a conversation with Charmer this morning –
Me, to her: “When you head to the store this week can you pick me up a box of maxi-pads?”
Now THERE is a conversation I never anticipated having. I’ve seen in many places that the pads work wonders to absorb as you heal from the piercing. I’ll let you know how it all goes – but we both thought it was funny.
The conversations have certainly changed in our life. Since we started this change to our life, conversations include everything from new things to try to why certain reactions happen. We’ve talked more about us, more about who we are as a couple, as individuals and what’s important to each. It’s made for some very frank conversations, which is pretty amazing after being together for so long. It’s pretty magical to be able to go through this morphing process into whatever is next.
I currently have a MM Queen’s Keep device (have used a CB6000s as well) and am awaiting my shiny new Steelworxx device, complete with the PA fixing. It should be here roughly coinciding with heal time on the PA. Fingers crossed.
I’ll keep you posted on the whole PA thing. I hope my experience encourages others who are considering it. I know when you ask questions on Twitter, Reddit, etc. that the answers are almost always positive (after you get past people raving crazily about how you are CRAZY to consider it). I hope to bring my experiences with it here to the blog and provide another sampling to consider.
My biggest thing is the actual act of getting it done. I can take the rest. I just can’t imagine rolling up to the piercing shop, flopping out my junk and saying “yes, yes. Stick the needle right there…” Egad.
All I can say is thank goodness I don’t have to figure out “wings on the pads.” Sigh.