Just a quick post to let you know what Snake will be doing this weekend. In celebration of National Masturbation Month, he gets to, well, masturbate. Within the rules of the game, of course.
We have an ongoing point game where he earns points with various “implements” and actions in order to get bonus orgasms. This is a mini game to allow him to add or subtract points from his tally. His running goal is 2200 points within the last 14 days.
Between tonight and Monday night, he needs to come 12 times. He has to do it in front of me and he has to keep his eyes open and on me. If he wants me to do it, he only gets half credit.
Any orgasms above the 12 are worth 150 points each. Any below are a 250 point deduction. If he is using the Njoy 2.0 or similar plug at the time, it is worth an extra 25 points. Bonus points are only available if he makes the goal.
If he succeeds, it is worth 1200 points plus any additional bonus points. There is no partial credit. For example, if he makes it to 10, there would be no additions to the count, but there would be a 500 point deduction. If he makes it to 14, he would have 1200 base plus 300 additional for 1500 total.
His response when I told him about the game? “Holy shit, woman. There’s a point where it sorta crosses a threshold.” I think I’m simply keeping him young and in shape.
We’ll keep you posted on Tuesday how he survived his torment.
Love this! I can’t wait to see how he did!
Doing good so far. He’s at 3 and gets an extra bonus if he makes the goal because he managed two within half an hour. In our game that is worth big bonus points because he always tells me that he can’t do that. Obviously he can.
Will keep you updated…
Hahaha you have been doing games for years. I absolutely love it. You’re creativity in your relationship is both sweet and awesome funny.