Snake Den A to Z–Prompt for August

Time to start up those blogs–and if you don’t have one, feel free to send the post/picture to us and we’ll be happy to host it for you.

The prompt for August is Summer and runs August 1-31. Maybe things you like to do or missed this year. Sexy stuff. Fun stuff. Any stuff. If you want more information about the non-rule rules, check out the ideas here.

Enjoy and join in as you want. Just add the badge to the bottom of your post and if you are on Twitter, use the hashtag #SnakeDenAtoZ

Grab the code: 
<center><a href=""><img border="0" width="200" src=""></a></center>

22 thoughts on “Snake Den A to Z–Prompt for August”

    1. There is a badge and I updated the page to include the link to grab the code. So it will be on each prompt as well as the initial one. No actual link up though–I’m too lazy! LOL

      But yay! Thank you for joining in!

    1. We are. I don’t have a page… I should fix that but the latest prompt is always pinned to the top of the site.

    1. Yay! We also have a link up for each month. The current prompt and link up is always at the top of the site.

      Happy Easter!

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