This was our first time ever visiting any part of South America. Yes, it is technically about as far on the edge as possible, but we went on a walking tour and it was an absolutely beautiful city.

The colors of the buildings were so pretty and there was bougainvillea growing off the side of so many of the houses. We learned a lot about the history of the area as well as going through a beautiful cathedral and see an emerald museum. I did not know there were so many different shades of green!
It was really hot! And apparently, that is the norm. It was 86 and humid on the day we were there. Coming from Tucson where it’s been in the 50s and 60s, I was glad I had shorts and we found shade.
And that night was Valentine’s Day so we had a special dessert too.

Definitely a day worth saying “Mmm.”

this all looks fabulous! Especially that cheesecake!
It was really good!