I am weirdly spontaneous and a planner all at the same time. I love just deciding to spring things on Snake. But I need the idea of planning for the future as well.

Most of my planning tends to be centered around places to go. I’m the person who finds our next adventure and does all of the research on what there is to see and do there. I suppose a lot of that comes from the fact that my job is research as well.
Snake is only too happy to watch me look for the perfect place to stay and all of the places that we want to see wherever we go. I think my excitement tends to be infectious. Soon he is just as excited about the places we’ll go as I was at the beginning.
We had planned to do a few road trips this summer, but life has decided that we will be staying home until late fall. Nothing bad, but still frustrating when you want to go wander.
So instead, we will be living in the moment. We’ve been doing a lot of simplifying of our life lately. Cleaning out and deciding what and who matters in the long run just as I suspect that a lot of other people are doing in this new world that we didn’t expect.
Some people have chosen to move on from our life and some we’ve chosen to move on from as well. I’m learning that things that I thought were so important to keep can be set free as well and I’m just keeping the memories. Letting go of people and things that aren’t right for our life is weirdly freeing.
So it’s time for now. Snake, the other people who bring me joy, prioritize me in their lives and want to be a priority in mine, and the family who is real vs. the family who is just related. And we can’t wait!
Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you’ll never get the same moment twice.

Life sets its priorities and you have to choose what is important and what can be neglected.
Disappointing conclusions