“You must go on adventures to find out where you belong.”
Sue Fitzmaurice

There’s no doubt that I love to travel. We’d be gone for months out of the year just exploring if we had the time and, you know, money. Seeing new places and learning about cultures and history is something that we both love.
That said, I love our home too. It’s where we have built our life together and it’s just…home. With all of those warm and fuzzy feelings.
And if you are constantly traveling, you never really get time to process what you’ve seen and done. I think it takes time to reflect on what we’ve learned and seen. It helps us choose the next destination.
Going on adventures is exhilarating, but it’s also a way to grow. Adventures, though, don’t have to be leaving the country or the state or even the house. IMHO. Anything that expands my view of myself or the outside world can be an adventure.
We took dance lessons years ago before a wedding. We found a Groupon for 5 group lessons and we found out that we loved it. Each new routine and performance is an adventure!
Trying a new hobby, and realistically often giving it up, can be an adventure. Even if we don’t stick to it, we’ve learned, “Hey, I’m not going to be a creator of mosaics. Cool. Onward.”
Reading a new genre of books or watching a documentary or exploring a park in our own town. All adventures in their own way.
So our vision of adventuring? Just go–maybe we’ll love it, maybe we’ll hate it, maybe we’ll meet new friends. However it turns out, we’ll end up learning more about ourselves.

I love how you approach life. I am learning more and more to live the life I want, to ask for what I want. It’s a process, but I am getting there. As for hobbies – my newest is bullet journaling, and I love it!
~ Marie xox
PS: I love dancing, and your mention of a Groupon makes me want to look for that, to go dancing again.
I hope you do! Xox