Spring has arrived even if it doesn’t feel like it in a lot of places in the world. We’ve already reached 90 here and it will be reaching the triple digits before we know.

As I write this, though, we are having an early spring day. It’s cloudy and rainy and a welcome reprieve before the summer heat. And the plants and trees are already starting to come back to life.
As nature comes back to life, I thought this was a perfect quote for April:
“April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go.”
Christopher Morley
So, the prompt for April is Go! It could be ideas or fantasies about places to go, things to do, feelings to feel or anything else that makes you feel energized. Have fun with it!
Use this prompt however you want. Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography–whatever medium you prefer. And grab the badge below and link up below and tag your post with #SnakeDenAtoZ and use that link on any social media too!

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