The wind is blowing like crazy and we have a chance for snow tonight in the desert so a weather quote seems perfect for the monthly prompt.

March is the start of spring, the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and our anniversary–of course, the most important part of all, right?
At least here, the weather is always strange this month. Often suddenly hot after the cooler temperatures, but sometimes, it is just cold. Always, always, windy.
I’m borrowing the prompt for the month from the quote below. The prompt is Savage and serene. It perfectly describes March here and, quite honestly, life too.
Life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Use this prompt however you want. Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography–whatever medium you prefer. And grab the badge below and link up below and tag your post with #SnakeDenAtoZ and use that link on any social media too!

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