Yes, I know my prompt should be something about love and hearts and such. But, you know me and my prompts rarely fit what I “should” be doing.

My grandmother was born on Groundhog Day. Which made me think about the movie and realistically, some of the past two years have felt like we are stuck in that movie.
It’s a little hard to write posts about that exactly, but the idea of it made me search for quotes as I often do. This one seemed to be a fun idea to interpret all different ways.
“There’s an opposite to déjà vu. They call it jamais vu. It’s when you meet the same people or visit places, again and again, but each time is the first. Everybody is always a stranger. Nothing is ever familiar.”
Chuck Palahniuk
The prompt for this month is déjà vu. Or even jamais vu. Things or people that seem familiar and aren’t, or ones that are familiar and yet feel foreign.
Use this prompt however you want. Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography–whatever medium you prefer. And grab the badge below and link up below and tag your post with #SnakeDenAtoZ and use that link on any social media too!