S is for September Prompt

September is the official start of fall and leaves start to change colors in a lot of places. Not in Tucson, for the record. It will be late October or November before we have the week of leaves changing color, dropping and being gone.

aged wooden house in autumn countryside
Photo by Aleksey Kuprikov on Pexels.com

When I was looking for ideas for the September prompt, I found this quote which I thought was a good one.

“There is a subtle magic in the falling of old leaves.”

Avijeet Das

There really is something magical about leaves growing, shading us for months and then giving a beautiful display before they fall and make way for the new leaves in the spring. So the prompt this month is Magic.

It can be anything about change or real magic or things that feel magical. So share your fiction, non-fiction, poetry, images or anything else that says magic to you. Grab the badge below and link up below and tag your post with #SnakeDenAtoZ and use that link on any social media too!

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