I started plotting my MMM and couldn’t get off the thought of whipped cream. I’m sure that the shake that I watched Snake drink the other night didn’t help, plus I was plotting whipped cream for the berries for dinner tonight.
Of course, it also made me go back to our favorite breakfast that we found in Sydney a few years ago. Scones and cream and butter and jam on the patio of a local tea shop. We sat there for hours, twice in a week, and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the area around us.

Yes, I know that’s not terribly erotic even if it is MMMMMMMM worthy. But back to that whipped cream idea. I think I’ll make some extra….

I love scones! And you’re right, they are delicious with butter and jam and a touch of cream. Mmm indeed!
I hope the extra whip gave you the extra erotic mmm’s you’re looking for 😉
mmm scones are delicious. It reminds me I should really bake some again!
~ Marie
And in my opinion it is so quite erotic. Which side to look at.