I think everyone will agree that we are ready for 2020 to actually be hindsight… that was Snake’s punny last week ❤

While I don’t believe that January 1st has magical powers of transformation, it is typically a day that people look forward to changes in the coming year.
I don’t tend to make resolutions and my brain still thinks of fall as the “new year” because of school. But this quote seems like the perfect prompt for the Snake Den meme this month.
Every day is a fresh start.
The prompt for this month is fresh starts or beginnings. It can be about anything past, present or future, fiction, non-fiction or photos. Whatever feels like a shiny new experience for you.
Grab the badge below and let’s start 2021 with a fresh start. Link up below and tag your post with #SnakeDenAtoZ–and use that link on any social media too!

Love this prompt and will feature it in next week’s Wicked Wednesday too 🙂
~ Marie xox
Thank you! 😊