Trans-Siberian Orchestra is Christmas in the Snake household. Most people have heard Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 even if they don’t know it–it is probably the most used song for synchronizing Christmas lights on houses.
We have been attending their Christmas concerts in Phoenix for years. It is usually somewhere between the weekend after Thanksgiving and the 10th of December.
As you can see, it isn’t your traditional Christmas concert. There are lasers and smoke and it is a rock opera that is amazing.
They have two or three stories that they tell with the music winding around the words of an amazing storyteller. It is one of our Christmas traditions that we try hard not to miss–in fact, I think in a lot of years (don’t ask), we’ve probably only missed 2.
Of course, this year the concert wasn’t able to happen in person. But they have recorded their show and are streaming it. So, our Christmas tradition may have altered a bit, but the music of TSO will be on our TV–and of course, blasting from our Bluetooth devices as well.

I’ve always wanted to see them perform live; we had hoped to finally be able to do so this season, but…
So no.
No TSO, no vacation, no consolation trip for losing out on our vacation (those plans got cancelled too), just… Bluh.
No fun.
I’m so.OVER this year.
I’m glad the year is (almost) finally over!
I concur… I’m over this year too.
I loved seeing TSO in concert and I also felt a bit shafted that it wouldn’t happen this year. Another one of my favorites (I grew up listening to them) was Manheim Steamroller. I still have their CDs and turn them up loud as I decorate for the holday.