Wednesday night is date night here.

Date night might be out. It might be in. It might be TV or a board game or a movie or dinner. Sometimes a little of more than one.
Mostly, date night is a chance to remember that we matter. Time together even when things are busy and crazy. Even time together when we are fighting about something.
It wasn’t always like this. For years we went months without a date. Too much going on. Too little time. Too much whatever…
But, you know, what happened? We lost a lot of the connection that made us real and us. When we put the time back, whatever we choose to do, it put us back in the forefront. The rest of the world just has to wait on Wednesday night.
This thing we’re doing here,
Luke Danes
you, me.
I’m in.
I’m all in.
Thursday morning might dawn with all of the nonsense that was there before, but date night and time together makes it all seem just a little easier to deal with. Together.

I love the idea of date night, and making time for each other in a hectic world 🙂
~ Marie
If we had a life
We could schedule date night might get to be a regular thing. But life gets in the way. That three kids and spouses all under
The same roof. So the nights she gets her hair cut (every 6 weeks if we are lucky) is a night we get to go out as much as Covid allows. Date nights and maintaining connection is critical to a relationship. Otherwise chaos and ruin. Stay steadfast in rituals. There is a security there that can easily be lost.
It is definitely difficult but worth the effort
Date always comes in handy. It makes the relationship warmer and more sensual. And so it can save from the cold.