The way this year has been, there is a strange disconnect with “It’s already November,” and “Will this year ever end?” But, either way, Sunday starts a new month so that means a new prompt for the Snake Den A to Z.

The prompt for this month is Words.
OK, Charmer, all posts are words.
Yes, I know. But, using a theme like tradition or thankful that makes sense for the month makes it too hard for me to write so this allows me to write about those things if I feel like it. And it also allows me to use other words that might be bouncing around in my head.
Also, November 1st starts NaNoWriMo and Brigit Delaney is hosting EROBLOPOMO which are both writing. See? Words.
So, pick a word for your post when you link to #SnakeDenAtoZ and have fun with it. Maybe your word is Bra and you want to post a sexy picture or tell us why you don’t want to wear one today. Write a poem about a leaf. Have fun with it.
Add the code below and post with our hashtag on Twitter. Can’t wait to see what words show up.
Grab the code:
<center><a href=""><img border="0" width="200" src=""></a></center>
And…I know we haven’t had a link up before because I am 1) lazy and 2) didn’t know if we’d keep this up but I think the amazing Snake is going to put one on this page for me and then we’ll have a new one for each month. So, fingers crossed, it will be here for November and going forward.

I will be linking a lot more in November than I did in October 😉
~ Marie xox
Welcome to November!