Since I have been with Snake more of my life than without him, picking songs becomes a challenge because there are so many.

Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield is one of the first ones that we associate with us. We were both dating other people when we met. I was an incredible flirt—I know how surprised you are—and he was no exception. It became the first song that we associated with us after we actually started dating because we both wanted what we couldn’t have at the start.
Our “song” ended up being The Rose by Bette Midler. I couldn’t even tell you why. It just suddenly was and it has stayed a staple in our life since probably a month or two into our relationship. In fact, we danced a routine to it a few years ago that was pretty perfect.
White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane is another one. Yes, I know that’s a strange song to choose. After we started dancing in 2013, this was the first real solo piece that we performed. It was fast and furious, pushed us farther than we thought we could go and we pushed the dance studio a bit too. The whole steampunk look and the corset and rock and roll in a usually ballroom studio made a bit of an impression, but it was all us and it was wonderful.
Colder Weather by Zac Brown Band is another song associated with a dance routine. I had some serious back issues a couple of years ago and we were afraid that we might have to give up the dancing. We had started this routine and had to put it on hold. With a lot of help from Snake and my wonderful chiropractor, we performed it in December of last year. It always feels like a victory song for us when I hear it.
Then there are the concerts and shows that we have seen over the years, which have just too many songs to even begin to mention. Live music is one of our loves and we’ve seen Styx, Pat Benatar, Billy Joe, P!nk, and several others multiple times. On top of that, we’ve seen Wicked on two continents and are in the double digits for performances, Rent too many times to count and so many others. Each one is part of our soundtrack because music is such a part of our life.
And for the last one? The Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Probably not the one anyone would expect, but there it is. We’ve thrown toilet paper, held newspapers and said “Dammit, Janet,” in theatres and if it comes on anywhere, you can be sure we’ll be up and dancing.

I’m so glad you connected the music to the dancing you and Snake perform. I was delightfully surprised at your love for the stage performances and I’m just a little obsessed with Wicked. Ending it with Rocky Horror was simply perfection. “I see you shiver with antici… pation!” 😉
I love performing… Snake not as much but he loves dancing with me. And always shivery 😊
It’s so beautiful that you, as a couple, have your own musical history. And the fact about the way you met is amazing 🙂
Thank you!
Yes, only people who love each other can have a musical story)
Go you! Awesome list. I love to dance and would adore it if my OH would learn routines with me, but it’s not him.
We love live music too and Rocky Horror is an ultimate fun favourite – thanks for musically accompanying your life for our delectation.
Jessie’s Girl – love it – so cool in a not cool way.
The Rose – heart break song for me – but will never forget it.
Rocky Horror – Love it ALL
May x