Anniversary Scrabble

The crowd goes wild. Snake cringes and hopes that I will lose the handy bag of tiles that are stored in a brown paper wine bag from our trip to Sonoma a few years ago.

Going to change it just a little. He’s going to have to blindly choose a tile and that is his goal tile. All words must either begin or end with this little beauty. He then, of course, has to put it back in the bag because luck must be with him to win this time.

Photo by Skitterphoto from

He will have to earn a die roll each day. If he doesn’t do my assigned task, no roll and no tiles for the day. If I’m feeling incredibly generous, he might get a chance to earn one or two extra rolls during the week.

He gets to roll the die and blindly pick that number of tiles. Once he gets them, and that all important goal tile must be chosen, he needs to try to make words that begin or end with it. For example, if he chose the “P,” he could only make words that begin or end with P. This does give an advantage that it makes it easier to the words to connect. Of course, if he never picks the P, well, game goes to me.


  • It starts tomorrow and will run until the end of the 13th.
  • All words must begin or end with the goal letter.
  • All words must be 4 letters or more.
  • All words must be connected.
  • He must make at least 5 words to win.
  • If he makes 6 words or more, he gets a bonus award.

What does he get for a win? He gets his O on our anniversary which is the 14th. If he loses? No O for him until at least 4/4. And if he gets 6 words or more? I’ll just have to figure out something that he might like….I can be very inventive.

Progress reports and his daily task will be on my Twitter account so make sure you follow me. But, you know, I think I’ve got this win…

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