It starts with a note in your lunch. Check your glove compartment box for the beginning of the quest. Intrigued, you go out and find a magnifying glass and a photo.

You head back to your desk to look more closely at the photo. It’s an old one of the two of us, goofing around and taking selfies while we talked in bed. You smile, but then remember the note. What quest?
You shoot off a quick message to me–Got the note but what’s the quest?
After a short pause, you get back a short message. Your goal is to recreate that scene exactly tonight. If you do, it’s a good night for you. If not, well, there will have to be consequences. Good luck!
Your mind starts focusing on the fun…and then you look back at the photo. Where you had first noticed us, now you are seeing the details. And there are a lot of details. Food, wine and candles on the table. Sheets and blankets that we haven’t had for years. And shoes on the floor that you don’t even remember. You start to feel that fun slipping away…
OK–first a list of items to find. There are just snacks on the table that are easy to get anywhere. The wine is still one of our favorites so that is easy. Candles are pretty generic. But the sheets, blanket and shoes? That’s going to require some time in a resale shop.
You quickly decide to spend the rest of your lunch hour hitting the closest resale shop. You find the perfect set of sheets–in the wrong size. Shoes aren’t close but you do find the blanket. One item down.
You have just enough time to get to another one and find the shoes. They look like they’ve been through a lot of miles but they are really similar. After you get back to the office, you check the photo against your list again to make sure you can finish after work.
All afternoon you alternate between excitement and terror that you are missing something. You text me again to try to get more information and get back a row of laughing emojis. Yup. No help there.
As soon as you send the last email, you grab your stuff and head for the door. Someone tries to stop you with a quick question, but you wave them off. First stop, the liquor store for the bottle of wine. You are pretty sure we have some at home, but you are leaving nothing to chance.
Then you stop at Target to get the snacks and candles…and lucky you, you find the sheets on clearance at the back of an aisle. They are perfect but you also know that you will have to wash and dry the sheets and blanket before you can set up the scene.
Looking at your watch, you realize that it is my lesson night and you still have a little over an hour before I will heading home. That eases things a bit and you head home to set things up.
You finish putting it together just as you hear my car. You take a step back and look at the scene. Take another look at the photo. Look back at the scene. You crack a quick smile. You’ve got this.
As you come into the kitchen, I’m taking off my clothes. You do a quick double-take and I smirk. “I’m just doing my part to recreate the photo,” I say while pointedly looking at you. Flustered, you start taking off your clothes, of course, forgetting to get rid of your shoes first so it takes twice as long.
We go into the bedroom and get into position to take the selfie. My body feels warm against your skin and you feel yourself getting hard as we get close together. You take the picture, waiting to hear what you won with the quest.
“You weren’t hard in the first one….better luck next time.”
Hahaha! So close but no cigar, eh 😂 This was a great fun read!
Thank you!
Fantastic. Ohhhhh sooooo close!
Haha so much fun an anticpation and then… ooooooh! snap. better luck next time.
🤣 🤣 🤣
Glad you liked it
Oh the twist at the end of this is brilliant and sadistic! You have captured such a detailed scene and left me wondering what the consequences might be.
Snake is often caught in my twists. Thank you!
I must have a slight sadistic side because that ending cracked me up…even as I can relate to the stress AND desire of wanting to achieve the goal/task.