It’s always amazing to me to step back, try to stay in that exact moment, just after. Maybe I’m odd. But in all of the frenzy of life, in all of the ins and outs of life, relationships, the noise… I find more and more that I focus on trying to stay present in important moments.
I don’t say it in a righteous way, or anything at all like that. I’m realizing that, for me, getting “present” and looking, feeling, smelling, seeing, tasting *right then* is pretty magical for beating back the noise of life.
Eating cheese? Taste it. Really. Sip the wine, look at the people around you.
But that holds true, too, for those moments when it’s fun to just look at where you just were and re-think about all the fun and sensations of the moment. It’s pretty amazing.

Yes it is, savouring those moment is so amazing
This is something that I am currently trying to teach myself too: to be IN the moment, to savor it.
Rebel xox
I’m always “on to the next thing” – really working to be better about it
Wise words to live by! We miss so many things that could bring us complete bliss if we slowed down and enjoyed the moment.
So true. It’s hard to not think about what’s next and remember, sometimes, that this right here (whatever is happening) is pretty amazing!
Fab silhouette – and yes we should all learn to savour 😉
Totally agree on savouring. And it’s fun to stop for that moment!
Perfectly said.
Lovely !!!
Xxx – K
You are so right. I am practising this but still a long way to go. Gorgeous image too 🙂
🙂 and glad you like. 🙂
Hear hear! 🙌👏👏👏
Aye, you described pretty well what many mean with mindful living.
It looks peaceful.
Such an important message, thank you for reminding me. A great image to illustrate this too.