Goofing around with Charmer and realized that I’ve not contributed enough to the twitter “Leg Porn” memes, so we thought it was time. Slow but sure, and not egotistically, seeing changes with the workouts.
I’ve learned a lot about myself because of the workouts. It sounds so trite and cliche’ but it’s one of those things that’s just you against the pull away from the weights. Too little time. Too many other things to do. My in-built laziness.
Every time I finish up, aside from really loving the excuse to listen to old-school rock which is great fun, I grin a bit. I’m really excited to push through my excuses and face up to the iron plates.
I may not be the strongest (far from) but I’m really happy to have a chance to see just how far this can go.
Never really had any definition before… it’s starting at least a little!
Yes. Oh, yes. Feeling very bitey now…
Well yummy leg porn 🙂
And your hard work is showing!!!